Dec 26, 2022

How can a review of your year help you improve the next? This month, we’ve been talking about reviewing the different areas of your life and celebrating the successes. However, to really excel in 2023, there will be lessons you can learn and take forward, such as identifying the activities which are or are not serving you. That’s what we’re going to support you with in this blog post. We’re going to look at each area of your life and, using the review you did earlier this month, learn the lessons you need for 2023.



For many mums and mumpreneurs, this...

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Dec 12, 2022

How can you celebrate when something good happens? In this month’s newsletter, we discussed how you can review your year, seeking both things you could celebrate and lessons to learn. Generally, mums and mumpreneurs do not excel in celebrating their achievements. Often, we think it’s not a big deal and weighed down with a never-ending to-do list, we move onto our next task without a second thought. However, celebrating is essential for numerous reasons. It allows us to recognise what we should keep doing, supports a positive mindset, and improves motivation. How to celebrate,...

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Nov 28, 2022

The day the children break up for the Christmas holidays is edging ever closer and with that comes their ever-increasing excitement. This month we’ve been sharing how you can create more balance in the lead up to the festivities and today is no exception. Here is our planning method which will allow you to reduce your stress and enjoy the day.


1. Use A SINGLE Calendar

It is not uncommon for families to have multiple calendars in use at one time. However, it’s crucial that there is a SINGLE master calendar for the family. If you don’t already have one, it’s...

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Nov 14, 2022

Christmas can be a hectic time for families. The build-up to the day can be huge and on top of this, there are usually all kinds of extra activities to navigate for the children, such as Christmas Jumper Day and nativity plays. Whether you’re someone who enjoys the hustle and bustle or dreads it, it can be a time of year in which we would like to create more balance in our lives. In our newsletter, we looked at what that balance could look like. Today, we’re sharing seven ways in which you can create more balance in the lead up to Christmas.


1. Say No

For many mums and...

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Oct 24, 2022

We are living in difficult times. In fact, there seems to have been a catalogue of events in recent years which can feel unending, from the pandemic to war in Europe. While it’s inevitable that we will live through times which are tough, your mindset can make all the difference in how you will cope. In fact, it can not only ensure you survive but continue to thrive, whatever chaos might happen around you.

These are the times in which we need a positive mindset the most. Yet, it can also be the times when we find it most difficult to continue with a growth mindset. Everything can feel...

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Oct 10, 2022

You are far more likely to be successful and achieve the things you want in life if you cultivate a positive mindset. However, we’ve often not been taught how to do this. If you’re a ‘glass half empty’ type of person and want to change that, then there are a few simple steps you can take to shift your mindset. In this month’s newsletter, we discussed how choosing your focus can support your mindset. However, this alone is unlikely to be enough. Below are seven other ways in which you can cultivate a positive mindset.


1. Make A Note This can help you keep...

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Sep 26, 2022

Feeling unsure about what you really want? Did the summer holidays give you a different perspective? We all go through times where we feel like we lack clarity in our lives. Often, we’re so busy with the day-to-day stuff we end up just going through the motions rather than considering what we really want. However, we’re here to help with our five top tips on how to gain absolute clarity.


1. Create Space

When you’re a mum or mumpreneur, there can be little space in your life. Your house is overflowing with everything that comes with having children and little time,...

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Sep 12, 2022

Have you ever felt dissatisfied with your life? Perhaps you’ve even felt this despite apparently having what you thought you wanted? It is not uncommon for a mum or mumpreneur to have a lifestyle that she thinks should bring happiness and to believe something is wrong with her because she’s still not content. However, this normally indicates a lack of clarity about what you really want. In this blog post, we’re looking at the different areas of your life which can benefit from that clarity. This is not about making every day magical – that would be unrealistic....

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Aug 22, 2022

How can you help others to feel more confident? In the past, we’ve talked a lot about how we can develop our own self-esteem and confidence. However, for many mums and mumpreneurs, it’s equally important to them they encourage confidence in those around them, especially their children. This can feel difficult to do if you lack confidence in yourself. However, we’re sharing five ways in which you can get started.


1. Worthwhile Praise

Most parents today are well used to praising their children. However, if we overdo this, it can cause others to feel as though your...

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Aug 08, 2022

While having confidence in yourself and your abilities is crucial, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t also consider how we can inspire others to have confidence in us too. When other people feel confident in our abilities, it can open new doors and opportunities. For example, if you’re a mumpreneur, clients need to have confidence in you before they will buy. Thankfully, there are a few easy ways in which you can exude that confidence, even if you’re not really feeling it yet.


Use Body Language

The words we speak account for only a small percentage of how we...

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